Well...our Quest has come to an end. The growth over the last three months has been unparalleled. Aim is a fundamentally different tribe than it was at the beginning of this Quest. And each of the eagles is a different person.
Yet, this growth, as is the case with any growth, did not come easy. It did not leave the tribe unscathed. It took everything each of us had. And then asked a little more. So it will not surprise you that we need a bit of healing as a school.
Which is why I am excited to announce that we are going on a Hiking Quest next session. We took our first step into this new adventure this afternoon and the eagles seemed more at peace then they have in a long time. It is going to be a perfect way to end the year.
In regards to the end of the year, I am also writing to inform everyone of some very important news. I have made the decision to shorten this upcoming Quest from three weeks to two. This means our last day will be June 17th, instead of June 24th as the original calendar said. There are a number of reasons for this decision, including some logistical ones related to our current lease, future lease (see next paragraph ), length of summer break, families beginning to book plans for summer etc. But to be honest, I would have ignored all of those reasons if I also didn't believe that a two-week experience is really what the eagles need to end the year, begin to heal and rebuild some of themselves they have exhausted over the past two sessions, and then go into their summer break whole and excited, instead of downtrodden and spent.
And finally, as I alluded, we have secured a home for next year! Finding this place has been quite the journey. I have literally looked at hundreds of potential locations over the past two years (nope....not an exaggeration...) so I'm happy to report that as of two days ago, the landlord and I have been able to come to an agreement on terms that we have been negotiating for the past two months. We'll have to replace the 'Beehive' with "Aim' of course, but other than that, this is going to be an amazing location for us. We will be able to start on August 15th as decided. I'm not sure that this will be the final resting place of Aim, but it will be for the next three years and I look forward to sharing many more life-changing adventures here.
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Hi, I'm Lance Stewart.
I'm the founder and Head of School at Aim Academy.
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