Year 1 Session 7 (6/20/21)
Dear Aim Academy Parents -
This year, this session, this Quest are all coming to a close soon.. And we are all feeling the bittersweetness of this last week.
At the end of "The Hobbit" (by Tolkein), Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf, the wizard and Bilbo's mentor, are about to come over the hill to Bilbo's home when Gandalf suddenly stops. Gandalf turns to Bilbo and says, "Baggins, you are not the hobbit you were."
To me, this sentiment reflects where each of the Eagles are in their own Hero's Journey. They each entered this unknown world of Aim Academy, went through challenges of many sorts, found mentors and helpers (and have been helpers) and most importantly, they found that they were capable. And now, here they stand at the end of their first Hero's Journey. They are not the Eagles they were.
It's been fascinating over the last few weeks to see how many of the Eagles choose to engage in Quest on Fridays instead of swimming in the pool. They are dedicated to completing their challenges and learning the skills. And this has been seen in all areas - not just Quest or on Fridays.
We recognize and acknowledge them for their courage, patience, and growth.
Their next Hero's Journey will include stepping into new roles with new challenges and new fellow travelers next year. And we know that they are ready.
Kind Regards,
Aim Academy Guides
Info About the Camping Trip
THURSDAY, June 24th. Check-in at 3pm or later. (Checkout by noon on Friday)
- Pineview Reservoir - Anderson Cove Campground, ANDE5, DOUGLAS
- Bring your own tent (if you need to borrow one, please reply to this email)
- Each family will be responsible for their own food and meals. We will provide S'mores materials for Thursday evening. (We will be encouraging the Eagles to plan the meals and present their ideas to you for your family to decide.)
- If your family would like to play in the water, please plan accordingly.