Year 1 Session 7 (6/23/21)

 Dear Aim Parents -

With endings come beginnings.  
On the Hero's Journey poster, there is a picture that many Eagles did not understand at the beginning of the year. It is a picture of the hero sitting back in the "Ordinary World" but "Having Changed". 
As the Eagles looked at that picture again on Monday, many now understood the feelings depicted on the Hero's face.  Some of the comments were about being ready for his next journey and looking to the future.

These young heroes have changed but they are not done changing - and they know that. They have felt the fire and exhilaration of having completed an epic journey and they want to experience it again.

At the beginning of the week, there were a few Eagles who had not completed the challenges to earn their Survival Quest Badge. Some were uncertain whether they would make it.  As a group, they decided that they did not want to leave ANYONE behind.  Through selflessness and teamwork, many Eagles rose up to support their fellow travelers. And EVERY Eagle reached completion. Everyone of the Eagles will receive their Survival Quest Badge this session.  :-)

Most of the Eagles also completed the Fire Challenge (which was not a requirement but was highly encouraged).  

In the book "Building the Perfect Fire" by Miles Tanner, the Epilogue states:  "Fire was, and continues to be, one of the most dynamic and transformational forces of all time. We are drawn to its warmth and function and intrigued by its capacity to both create and destroy. Sit around any campfire, and you'll watch as people... become mesmerized by the flames. ...Whatever the reason for our curious attraction to flame, mastering fire is the key to a unique kind of satisfaction that stems from being self-sufficient, harboring the ability to create something and... feeling more deeply connected to something central to our way of life." 
For those Eagles who started a fire for the first time in their lives during this Quest, we saw a shift in them - it truly is a "key to a unique kind of satisfaction". 

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Kind Regards,
Aim Academy Guides

Hi, I'm Lance Stewart.

I'm the founder and Head of School at Aim Academy.

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