Year 1 Session 5 (3/26/21)

Hello Aim Academy Families - The Food Web "stomach" dissections were an exciting beginning of the week in the Marine Science...

Year 1 Session 5 (3/19/21)

Hello Aim Academy Families What a week!  It started with Ms. Serena being out for a couple of days and Ms. Stacey stepping i...

Year 1 Session 5 (3/12/21)

 Hello Aim Academy Families - Our Jacques Cousteau Marine Science Quest was off to another good beginning of the week with t...

Year 1 Session 5 (3/8/21)

Hello Aim Academy Families  - A full two weeks into Session 5 and a new rhythm is settling in with the areas and houses. Al...

Year 1 Session 5 (2/26/21)

Welcome To Session 5, Aim Academy Families!! Eagles returned with excitement and vigor!  The start of this session brought m...

Year 1 Session 4 (2/12/21)

Hello Aim Academy Families, Another Session in the books! From creating tag games to board games to video games to card game...

Year 1 Session 4 (2/6/21)

Hello Aim Academy Families, Five weeks down, one to go. Which means that the Exhibition is next week! Please join us for the...

Year 1 Session 4 (1/29/21)

Hello Aim Academy Families, 4 weeks in and we are rolling! The Eagles are focused. Focused on maximizing their Core Skills t...

Hi, I'm Lance Stewart.

I'm the founder and Head of School at Aim Academy.

We'd love to hear from you. Schedule a call below:

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