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What is a hero?

The power of prayer...

 Hi Aim Family, I hope you are all well! Exhausted? Sure. Eyeing the light at the end of the school year tunnel? Maybe. But ...

Would Aim still be your tribe...

If 100% of parents voted for "the other guy"? What about 90%? If 100% of parents thought that adding to the parent contract ...

Two and a half hours of gut-wrenching soul testing later...

Hi LP parents, The afternoon launch began at 1pm...and two and a half hours of gut-wrenching soul testing later, your heroes...

Year 1 Session 6 (5/22/21)

Hello Aim Families - It's been quite the adventure this week. (And really this whole session!) This Economics Quest include...

Year 1 Session 4 (2/6/21)

Hello Aim Academy Families, Five weeks down, one to go. Which means that the Exhibition is next week! Please join us for the...

Hi, I'm Lance Stewart.

I'm the founder and Head of School at Aim Academy.

We'd love to hear from you. Schedule a call below:

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