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Work hard, play hard. The new motto for ES.

Hello lovely ES tribe, Well we are not even quite halfway through the session and this little ES tribe is nigh unrecognizabl...

Two roads diverged in a wood...

Hi everyone, What an end to a session! This has been a pretty incredible sprint to the finish line of the school year. It wa...

Change is hard when it involves the ones we love

Hello Spark parents! Welcome to Session 2!     I had a good reminder this week that I am extremely blessed to be at Aim ever...

Year 2 Session 4 (1/22/22)

Hey everyone,   Yesterday marked the official halfway point of this year! Can you believe it??    Some of you may have notice...

Hi, I'm Lance Stewart.

I'm the founder and Head of School at Aim Academy.

We'd love to hear from you. Schedule a call below:

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